No More Avatar Reckoning, it has been cancelled

You can't play the Avatar Reckoning game now, as Archosaur Games has already decided to terminate the game's launch plan.

2 min read
No More Avatar Reckoning, it has been cancelled

Avatar Reckoning was an upcoming MMO game by Level Infinite. After Archosaur Games ended its publishing partnership with Tencent subsidiary Level Infinite, they have now officially confirmed the cancellation of Avatar Reckoning. On January 23, 2024, Zulong Entertainment, aka Archosaur Games, published a press release where they confirmed that the company has decided to terminate Avatar Reckoning’s launch plan.

Press by ZLOONG

Image source: Zulong Press

For those who want to read what Archosaur Games said in the press, below are the main texts:

This announcement is made by Archosaur Games Inc. (the “Company”, together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) on a voluntary basis to the shareholders of the Company (the “Shareholders”) and potential investors.

The board of directors (the “Board”) hereby announces that due to the strategic adjustment of the Company’s products and operations, after careful consideration, the Company has decided to terminate the launch plan of Avatar: Reckoning.

The Board is of the view that the above decision is in the interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole and does not have any material adverse impact on the existing business or financial position of the Company. A number of other games of the Company perform steadily and continue to contribute revenue to the Group. The Company will continue to strictly control the quality of games and create every high-quality game with the spirit of craftsmanship.

People who are still waiting for the Avatar Reckoning Closed Beta or global launch, it will not happen now. Even though a test starting this month (January 2024) was planned, it will not be released anymore. So, finally, we can add another most anticipated game to the Cancelled Games List.

Avatar fans have been waiting for almost 2 years for the Avatar Reckoning game. It was first announced in January 2022, and after 2 years, in January 2024, the game has been officially cancelled.

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